SSB Activities – APRIL Flyer
Service Location: 22 West Padonia Road # B-321, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
SSB reserves this yearly meeting to give an account of all donations received from the previous year as well as its activities and financial status.
Apr 12 (Thurs @ 7pm) – Current Research on Mediumship
– Sergio Thiesen, MD (Guest Speaker)
Mediumship has been a topic widely discussed for many centuries. Dr. Thiesen will bring the Spiritist approach, as well as, the scientific aspect of this human faculty. Come and learn with Dr. Thiesen, you won’t regret it!
Apr 14 – Spiritism For the New Era
– Claudia Nunes & Leonardo Rodriguez (Guest Speakers)
In this special presentation, Claudia and Leo will bring some of their insights and experiences of how Spiritism can help with the Education of the new generation, thus helping in the building of a new world.
Apr 21 – SSB CLOSED DUE TO THE 12th U.S. Spiritist Symposium in DC. From 9am to 6pm
Registration for this event at www.spiritistsymposium.org
Apr 28 – Thought and Life (Ch. 10-12)
– Leonardo Vieira
Leo will continue the study series of the book “Thought and Life” by Emmanuel/Chico Xavier. Come and join us to learn more about Understanding, The Cradle and The Family from a Spiritist perspective through the words of Emmanuel.
– Light Dinner Fundraiser at 6:30pm (Soup, Salad, Fruits and Sandwiches…) Price: $20/adult $10 kids.
Guest Speakers Bio
Sergio Thiesen is a Cardiologist, Physicist, and a Professor at the Brazilian National Institute of Cardiology in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Founder and President of the “Sociedade Espirita Reencontro” and “Grupo Espirita Francisco de Assis”. Dr. Thiesen has traveled more than 25 countries giving Spiritist talks.
Claudia Nunes & Leonardo Rodriguez are Spiritist Practioners from the Bezerra de Meneze Spiritist Center in Miami, FL. They have been very active in the Spiritist movement in Florida. Mrs. Nunes is one of the Coordinators of the Children & Youth Department (CYD) of Florida and the USA, she also contributes to “Spiritism Kids” Magazine published by the USSF.