Conscientiousness and Responsibility | Kirsten DeMelo
Keep Hope Alive | Daniel Santos
Forgiveness, A New Year Resolution | Leonardo and Wendell
Holiday Celebration Reflection - Christmas with Jesus | Kirsten DeMelo
Gratefulness and Life | Daniel Santos
Conscientiousness and Character | Kirsten DeMelo
Living in Society | Luiz Lima
The Admirable Joanna de Angelis | Alba Morales
Parable of the Mustard Seed | Leonardo Vieira
Conscientiousness and Duty | Kirsten DeMelo
From the Temples of Stones to the Temple of the Heart | Marcelo Netto
Where Did I Come From? … | Daniel Santos
Parable of the Weeds | Leonardo Vieira
Spiritism and the Progress of Humanity | Wendell Almeida
Q&A - Evolution, Primordial Emotions and Spiritual Journey | Julio Padovan