“The Spirits’ Book is both the first book of the Codification of the Spiritist Doctrine and a historical literary landmark. Representing a compilation of logic, ethics, and behavioural, philosophical, and theological knowledge, its principles and concepts are expounded upon from a pragmatic perspective, which is unique by its direct approach to existential issues. The teachings contained therein are the result of thousands of questions addressed to communicating spirits during the first methodological and systematic séances all over the world, followed by Allan Kardec’s scrupulous analysis and cross-reference of the answers in order to create a curated tome for the first time ever in history, which addresses a vast spectrum of topics such as communication with spirits, life in the spiritual world, reincarnation, and the exchange of psychic information between the physical and the extraphysical realms, to name a few. Although other books have previously brought forward such topics, they did so from single perspectives only, be they religious, theological, or philosophical views, but definitely without incorporating a scientific methodology. Devoid of dogmatic assertions, deeply rooted on rationalisation and substantiated logic structures, The Spirits’ Book captivates readers with its pragmatic answers to life-long deep-rooted questions, all the while imbued with consolation and hope towards the splendorous future it inspires its readers to create for themselves.
The Spiritist Society of Baltimore is happy to announce the return of this momentous volume to our Thursday studies on June 6th, 2024 and we are pleased to invite you, and count on your participation, in this magnificent journey of self-discovery towards plenitude.”
To join our study group please follow the information below:
Every Thursday at 7:30pm* – 9pm US-EST
Virtual via ZOOM meeting
Meeting ID: 811 7511 9627 Passcode: ssb@1857
* Please connect at least 5-10 min before session starts.