What is it?
The Roadmap Program for the Spiritist Study and Practice (RPSSP) focuses on the sole goal of promoting the study and practice of Spiritism, while contributing to the formation of Spiritist practitioners at the Spiritist Society of Baltimore, Inc. It welcomes everyone to take its courses without distinction to sex, race, religion or nationality. Each class comprises of a 1 1/2 minutes hour-study session and it is divided into three (3) phases.
Phase I | Phase II | Phase III |
Spiritism 101 (pdf) It is a 9-week program on the main teachings of Spiritism. This course is a prerequisite for more advanced courses. |
Spiritual Laws of the Spiritist Practice Fundamental principles of the spiritual laws that govern the Spiritist Practice. Prerequisite: Advancements in the Spiritist Science. |
Introduction to Mediumship To learn the two basic fundamentals of Mediumship: knowledge of the Spiritist Thought and the moral ethical values related to it. Prerequisite: Advancements in the Spiritist Science. |
The Spiritist Science (pdf) Introduction to the Spiritist principles including a historical overview of the beginning of Spiritism, and its codifier, Allan Kardec. The Spiritist movement in the US and worldwide. Prerequisite: Spiritism 101. |
The Spiritist Therapy I Understanding the mechanisms of the passes and types of passes. Prerequisite: Advancements in the Spiritist Science. |
Mediumship I Educate mediumship through the study in depth of the Spiritist Thought. Topics include: the mediumship faculty, types of mediumship, obsession and disobsession. Second part of the course: educate and develop the psyche faculties of the participants through exercises of harmonization and psyche perception. Prerequisite: Introduction to Mediumship. |
Advancements in the Spiritist Science (pdf) Deep analysis of the Spiritist principles. Topics include: origin and nature of spirits, spiritual intervention in the corporeal world, divine justice, reincarnation, and different categories of inhabited worlds. Prerequisite: The Spiritist Science. |
Practice on the Spiritist Therapy I Applications of the passes techniques under the light of the Spiritist Thought. This course is an essential tool for a serious spiritual treatment. Prerequisite: The Spiritist Therapy I. |
Practical Guidelines for Mediumship Application of the concept of mediumship in the mediumship meetings, in a group setting. Topics include: moral development of the mediums, analysis of the messages received, the power of faith and hope. Second part of the course: practical guidelines in the exercise of mediumship in a group setting. Prerequisite: Mediumship 1 |
Rules and regulations for Coordinators and Monitors
The Roadmap Program for the Spiritist Study and Practice focus on the sole goal to promote the study and practice of Spiritism, while contributing to the formation of a team of Spiritist practitioners at the Spiritist Society of Baltimore, Inc.
It welcomes everyone to participate to its meetings without distinction to sex, race, religion or nationality. Each meeting comprises of a 1 1/2 minutes hour-study session in this phase 1. Coordinators and monitors will work together in order to fulfill two major responsibilities:
(1) to guarantee each participant’s study and understanding of Spiritism as contained in Kardec’ books;
(2) the organization of the meetings according to the course master’s instructions.
The course master may appoint coordinators and/or monitors that will take turns in the conduction of the meetings. It is essential that each coordinator-monitor pair follows the rules and regulations contained herein in order to guarantee an optimal level of achievement from participants. Monitors will essentially assist the coordinators in each assignment as well as in the preparation of the room, prayer and spiritually magnetized water distribution.
Each coordinator-facilitator shall:
1. Be committed to the two major responsibilities stated above.
2. Prepare the study theme days in advance.
3. Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the study session.
4. Be in charge of the room set up.
5. Welcome participants and begin the study meeting with a prayer. Take attendance at the beginning of the meeting.
6. Contact the course master after each meeting with an oral and/or written progress report.
7. Please, also report ideas and/or concerns to the course master at (443) 827-1730 or ssb@ssbaltimore.org