SSB Activities – June Flyer
Service Location: 22 West Padonia Road # B-321, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
Jun 01 – SSB Headquarter Closed (Fundraising Art Event)
Join us at the Abigail Francisco School of Classical Ballet @ 7pm, presenting Printemps Parisien. Buy your ticket ($30) and support the SSB. * Spring Production * at Calvert High School Auditorium, 600 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Jun 08 – Kardec and the Path to Redemption
@ 5 pm – Jussara Korngold (Guest Speaker)
In this talk we’ll learn from Kardec’s experiences the challenges we have to face on the way to our own redemption. Light will always prevail, but opposition will be met along the way.
Jun 15 – The Promised Consoler
@ 5 pm – Daniel Santos
In this talk, Daniel will reflect on the words of Jesus, when he said: “If you love me, keep my commandments and I will pray to my Father and he will send you another consoler…” Come and Join us!
Jun 22– Jesus and Joy
@ 5 pm – Kirsten DeMelo and Greg Palma (Guest Speaker)
Kirsten will continue her study on the book, “Jesus in our days” by Joanna de Angelis/Divaldo Franco. Come and enjoy this enlightening talk followed by uplifting spiritual music by Greg Palma.
Jun 29 – Plenitude Chap 8 – Pathways to Health
@ 5 pm – Leonardo Vieira
Leo will continue the study series of the book “Plenitude” by the spirit Joanna de Angelis / Divaldo Franco. In this session, he will talk about Pathways to Health.
- This talk will be followed by Light Dinner Fundraiser (Soup, Salad, Fruits and Sandwiches…) Price: $20/adult $10 kids.
Jussara Korngold, BS, MBA. Jussara is the founder and president of the Spiritist Alliance for Books (SAB), a non-profit organization, which has the aim to promote and disseminate Spiritism, in English, as codified by Allan Kardec. Mrs. Korngold is also one of the founders and president of the Spiritist Group of New York, located in Manhattan, New York City. She is a third generation Spiritist from Brazil, Mrs. Korngold is also a published author, and has been translating spiritist materials and books since 1993. Jussara Korngold is currently the President of the United States Spiritist Federation, Executive Director of the Tristate Spiritist Federation, and Executive Director of the International Spiritist Council.Mrs. Korngold is fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Mrs. Korngold has been working as a volunteer in the office of Brazil Child Health in New York, since it’s opening in 2000, as its main executive.
Greg Palma, a gifted soul, who has honored, appreciated, and cultivated his God given gifts of a cultured heart expressed through voice. His desire to lift the hearts of his dear brothers and sisters is expressed through a classically trained voice in the style of bel canto opera. Bringing to you the beauty of sacred music, celebrating the love of God and his children. Greg also has the gift of Celestial Singing or Singing Passes with subtle accompaniment of voices from the heavenly realms.