SSB Activities – May Flyer
Service Location: 22 West Padonia Road # B-321, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
Several members will be attending the 13th US Spiritist Symposium in Union, New Jersey. For registration, please go to www.spiritistsymposium.org
May 11 – Martha or Mary? Are we in balance?
@ 5 pm – Yasco Aracava
“Martha, Martha you are worried and bothered about so many things. But only one thing is necessary, and Mary has chosen the good portion that it will not be taken away from her.”(Luke 10:41). Martha represents our portion of being active, moving the whole time, with no brake. Our “Mary portion” asks for contemplation, meditation, connection with God and its creation. Martha Syndrome represents the imbalance, the frustration, anxiety, so prevalent today with so many demands.
May 16 (Thurs.) – Past Lives, Reincarnation & Spiritism
@ 7 pm – Anete Guimaraes (Guest Speaker)
In this special talk, Ms. Guimaraes will discuss the ins and outs of our past lives and reincarnation from a scientific and Spiritist perspective, and how this knowledge can bring some comfort to ourselves. ATTENTION: This talk will be in Portuguese with consecutive interpretation into English.
May 18 – Perispirit & Health
@ 5 pm – Daniel Santos
Daniel will be giving continuity from his first talk on the “Perispirit” and go deeper on the issue of health and disease. Please join us in this in depth talk about our health and the perispirit!
May 25 – Plenitude – Chap 7 – Causes of Suffering
@ 5 pm – Leonardo Vieira
Leo will continue the study series of the book “Plenitude” by the spirit Joanna de Angelis / Divaldo Franco. In this session, he will talk about the main causes of suffering.
Jun 01 – SSB Headquarter Closed
(Fundraising Art Event)
Join us at the Abigail Francisco School of Classical Ballet – presenting Printemps Parisien. Buy your ticket ($30) and support the SSB. * Spring Production * at Calvert High School Auditorium, 600 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678 @ 7pm.
Speaker’s bio
Anete Guimaraes is a spiritist speaker, with lectures delivered in various states in Brazil and abroad, transmitting her knowledge in the light of reason under the Spiritist perspective in a particular way, calling the public to deep reflections on the role of the spiritist in present day life. She is also one of the directors of the Spiritist group “Caminho da Esperança” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.