SSB Activities – AUGUST Flyer
Service Location: 22 West Padonia Road # B-321, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
Watch LIVE: SpiritistNetwork Youtube Channel or SSB Facebook Page
August 01 – Our Spiritual and Moral Progress: The parable of the sower
@ 5 pm – Yasco Aracava
We – in the planet of trials and expiation- mostly belong to the “third-order of imperfect spirits”. Jesus taught us in the parable of the sower the different levels of humankind regarding its spiritual and moral progress. That we are all here to bear fruits of good quality, to serve and to spread His Good News.
August 08 – Jesus and Insecurity
@ 5 pm – Kirsten DeMelo
Kirsten will continue with the study of the book, “Jesus in Our days” by the spirit Joanna de Angelis, through the medium Divaldo Franco. In this talk she will discuss the 17th Chapter entitled “Jesus and Insecurity”. Join us!
August 15 – Family: School for Redemption
@ 5 pm – Peter Hays (Guest Speaker)
“This presentation examines the role our families can play in carrying out the educational process of reincarnation. It will look at some of the trails any of us are likely to experience and why the relationships with our loved ones can matter so much. An example from the book Messengers in the Light by Andre Luiz will be explored in detail.”
August 22 – Discover your Language of Love
@ 5 pm – Alba N. Morales
Based on the book by Dr. Gary Chapman – The five languages of Love – “continues to transform relationships worldwide…” Discover your language of love under the light of Spiritism and be ready to quiz yourself about how you express and receive love!
August 29 – Planetary Transition – Chaps 15 & 16
@ 5 pm – Leonardo Vieira
Continuation of the study series of the book “Planetary Transition” by the spirit Manuel P. de Miranda/Divaldo Franco. In this session, Leo will talk about Chaps 15 and 16 – ”Enlightening experiences and Reincarnation Programming”.… Join us!
—————— Guest Speaker Bio ———————–
Peter Hays is the President of Spiritist Group Love and Light in Newark, New Jersey. He has done lectures on Spiritism all over the US and has participated in several U.S. Spiritist Symposiums. Besides doing over sixty episodes of the radio program Living Spring on Kardec Radio, he was on the editing staff for The Spirits’ Book by the U.S. Spiritist Federation. Peter loves playing guitar, so he teaches kids and adults at Love and Light. Peter has published several children’s books with his wife, through their company Sem Fronteiras Press. Peter is involved in commercial real estate.