SSB Activities – November Flyer
Service Location: 22 West Padonia Road # B-321, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
Nov 02 – The Spiritist View of Pregnancy
@ 5 pm – Leticia Klausner (Guest Speaker)*
In this talk, Leticia will share the Spiritist teachings, from the Spiritis’ Book by Allan Kardec andMissionaries of the Light by Chico Xavier /Andre Luiz, on the spiritual aspects of pregnancy. It is a study centered on the process of reincarnation from preconception to after birth.
Nov 09 – Jesus and Duty
@ 5 pm – Kirsten DeMelo
Kirsten will continue with the study of the book, “Jesus in Our days” by the spirit Joanna de Angelis, through the medium Divaldo Franco. In this talk she will discuss the 8th Chapter entitled “Jesus and Duty”. Come and Join us!
Nov 10 (Sunday) – SSB Thanksgiving Gathering: GRATITUDE LUNCH @ 12pm – 3pm.
Fundraising Event – Ticket price:$ 20 adult $ 10 Children (7-14y). Location: 916 Bentley Rd. Freeland, MD 21053 (Ms. Paula’s House)
Nov 16 – Plenitude Chap 12: Suffering in the Afterlife
@ 5 pm – Leonardo Vieira
Leo will continue the study series of the book “Plenitude” by the spirit Joanna de Angelis / Divaldo Franco. In this session, he will talk about Suffering in the Afterlife.
Nov 23 – Why Be Thankful?
@ 5 pm – Yasco Aracava
Luke (17:15-19) narrated the passage of Jesus healing ten men with leprosy. ‘But One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan’. Gratitude is a measure of human moral progress and it can be learned and developed. Science with modern non-invasive technology has shown the positive impact of gratitude and optimism in our physical and mental health.
Nov 30 – Charity, a free discussion
@ 5 pm – Coordinated by Yasco Aracava
The need for charity according to Paul (I Cor.13:1-7). In this epistle, Paul stated: “even if I were to speak the language of the angels; if I were to have the gift of prophecy and grasped all mysteries; if I had all the faith possible to the point of moving mountains, but did not have charity, I would be nothing”.
* About the guest speaker
Leticia Klausner is an International Medical Graduate. She received her Medical Degree from Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil. Leticia is one of the founding members of the U.S. Spiritist Medical Association and currently its Program Director.