SSB Activities – June Flyer
Service Location: 22 West Padonia Road # B-321, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
Watch LIVE: SpiritistNetwork Youtube Channel or SSB Facebook Page
Jun 04 – SSB will be closed | Art Event
Join us at the Abigail Francisco School of Classical Ballet @ 7pm, presenting The Awakening of Flora, buy ticket ($30) and support the SSB. * Spring Production * at Calvert High School Auditorium, 520 Fox Run Blvd, Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Jun 11 – Times of Health & Conscientiousness | Chap 15
@ 5 pm – Kirsten DeMelo
Kirsten continues the study series of the book, “Times of Health & Conscientiousness” by the spirit Joanna de Angelis, through the medium Divaldo Franco. In this talk she will discuss the Chapter 15 entitled “Life Renewed”.
Jun 18 – On The Way To A World Of Regeneration | Chap 11 & 12
@ 5 pm – Leonardo Vieira
Leo continues the book study series, “On The Way To A World Of Regeneration” by the spirit Manuel de Miranda/Divaldo Franco. In this session, Leo will discuss Chaps 9 & 10 – “The Justice-Maker & Expanding Experiences”.
Jun 25 – The Uncertainties of Current Times as Addressed by Spiritism
@ 5 pm – Julio Padovan (guest speaker)
Earth is said to be a school for the spirit, an opportunity for progress. Yet, in recent years, the vision of carefree children gathered under the protection of benevolent educators seems to have turned into a destructive battle among gladiators under the watchful eye of an audience that asks that only one be made victorious. Are these the modern Colosseum games? To whom are we pledging allegiance? Why does it appear we move from error to error? Is such a venal existence a road from which no one can return?
No, the individual who errs is, by definition, the most suitable to correct the mistake. So what are we lacking then? Faith, but above all, faith in ourselves, and complete release from the shackles of pride, which insist on binding us to the past. In this lecture, we will approach current issues in the light of Spiritism: and since we already know the problems, we will focus on what we must do to return to the path of plenitude. Your issues, your questions, your happiness… and we hope to bring a message of serenity which will go beyond the platitudes of idle promises. Let us rekindle in our hearts the flame of universal love, the spirit of cooperation, the unassailable faith in ourselves, and retake the path towards psychological growth.
Jun 26 (Sun) – SSB Fundraising Event
Join us at our first in-person SSB fundraising event of the year from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm – Location: Samia & Vladimir’s house at 7832 Player Blvd Seven Valleys, PA 17360. Price: $25 adult and $10 kids (6-13yo)