SSB Activities – August Flyer
Service Location: 22 West Padonia Road # B-321, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
Watch LIVE: SpiritistNetwork Youtube Channel or SSB Facebook Page
Aug 06 – Times of Health & Conscientiousness | Chap 17
@ 5 pm – Kirsten DeMelo
Kirsten continues the study series of the book, “Times of Health & Conscientiousness” by the spirit Joanna de Angelis, through the medium Divaldo Franco. In this talk she will discuss the Chapter 17 entitled “Encounter with Reality”.
Aug 13 – The Rationale Behind Reincarnation
@ 5 pm – Julio Padovan
In spiritism, we attest to a belief in reincarnation, but do we actually understand where the idea comes from and why it is important that it should be a part of the Creation? What is its true mechanism? Is there anything else which might be more successful at addressing issues in the physical plane? The concept of successive lives is only the tip of the iceberg. Granted, it is the shiny, pointy, visible part of it; however, what lies under the water, the bulk of a phenomenal concept of gigantic proportions, not only allows the tip of the mountain to float above the surface but also comprises the entire scaffold of Divine Justice as we understand it at this moment in our evolution. Lives do succeed one another, but the scope of reincarnation processes reach beyond mere iterations in the physical plane and its consequential renewal. In essence, reincarnation assists in defining the very construct of God while empowering a line of reasoning wherein the impartiality of Divine Justice becomes unassailable. Let us learn together, renewing and expanding our understanding of reincarnation, and hence project a better future for each and every one of us.
Aug 20 – A T T I T U D E
@ 5 pm – Suzana Simoes (Guest speaker)
No real shift takes place in life without responsibility. Transformational shifts call for courage and humility. This process has been extremely harsh for most Spiritists because of lack of self-love. This lecture will provide the listener with tools to undergo the inner shift with unnecessary suffering and pressure by supplying the oxygen of love and better conditions to anyone who is ready to dive within.
Aug 21 (Sun) – SSB Fundraising Event
From 11:30 am to 3:30 pm – Location: Vieira’s house at
128 Kriders Church Rd, Westminster, MD 21158
Price: $25 adult and $10 kids (6-13yo)
Raining Day: SUNDAY (AUG 28)
Aug 27 – On The Way To A World Of Regeneration | Chap 14 & 15
@ 5 pm – Leonardo Vieira
Leo continues the book study series, “On The Way To A World Of Regeneration” by the spirit Manuel de Miranda/Divaldo Franco. In this session, Leo will discuss Chaps 14 & 15 –> “Preparations and a Revered Visitor and The City of Justice”.
**** SPEAKER BIO******
Suzana Simoes is an active worker of the Spiritist movement. Dr Simoes spends her time between her professional work as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, her family, and the dissemination of Spiritism. Suzana has worked as a member of the Spiritist Federation of Florida and the United States Spiritist Federation. She is one of the founders of the Conscious Living Spiritist group in Miami where she works primarily overseeing the work in English. She is an active speaker in the US and abroad.